Pipeline route
HGP route
Santos is working to finalise the exact location of the pipeline and the permanent easement, taking into consideration potential constructability issues, landholder feedback and preferences, and environmental considerations.
The project’s approval enables the pipeline easement to be aligned within the approved 200 metre corridor. We are committed to finding the right balance so that impacts to landholders are minimised, and sensitive areas are protected.
We strongly encourage landholders to engage with us during the upcoming survey process so that we are able to understand any specific concerns and address these wherever practical in finalising our alignment and construction methodology.
The below map displays the existing approved 200m corridor. Throughout the consultation process, Santos has received many Route Change Requests from stakeholders along the pipeline corridor, these are currently being considered as we finalise the alignment.
If you have any further questions or would like to discuss your personal circumstances, please contact our team on 1300 427 546 or info@huntergaspipeline.com.au.
Changes to the Authority to Survey (ATS) application
Santos recognises landholder interest in the location of proposed survey work.
Santos has identified 379 Lots that do not require access for upcoming surveying. This includes properties located along the Rutherford lateral and on Kooragang Island. There are no plans to construct the pipeline in these locations.
The interactive map below has been updated to reflect these changes. You can enter your address below and view it on the interactive map.
Santos has written to the NSW Government to formally withdraw the 379 Lots from the ATS application and will contact landholders to advise that we do not require access to their property for survey works in the initial stage of the project.
Update contact details
Directly affected landholders can update their preferred contact details using the web form available at the link below.