Authority to Survey (ATS) Approval Granted

Authority to Survey (ATS) Approval Granted (January 2023)

An application for an ATS was submitted in July 2022. This application was assessed by the NSW Government and approved on 13 January 2023.

Santos hopes to reach voluntary access agreements with all landholders and will only use an approved ATS as a last resort, once reasonable attempts to negotiate access with the landholder or resident have been unsuccessful.

Santos will continue to meet with landholders to secure voluntary agreements that will allow us to access properties to carry out field survey works. These surveys and studies, along with landholder feedback, will help us to finalise the pipeline alignment in a way that minimises impacts on both landholders and the environment.

Traditional Owners will be fully involved in cultural heritage surveys, a long-standing practice followed by Santos in our onshore operations around Australia.

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